Libyan Law and Society

Libyan Law and Society

Our community

Ali Mohamed Rahouma 

Ali Mohamed Rahouma 

Ali Mohamed Rahouma is Researcher in Virtual Sociology at Tripoli University and Researcher in A2JiL project at Leiden University

Born in Tripoli, Libya. A specialist in informatics, development and social planning, and a researcher in virtual sociology. He is also a poet and writer, and is interested in cultural heritage and history.

Obtained higher degrees in Information Technology: from Scotland 1983 (Bell College of Technology, Hamilton), and Ireland 1990 (Nixdorf Center for Advanced Technology Training CATT), Masters in Development and Social Planning, University of Tripoli, 1999. PhD in Sociology (in the field of Informatics ), University of Tripoli 2004.

He has 34 research papers in his various fields of interest (most of which were published in the works of local, Arab and international scientific conferences and seminars, and peer-reviewed journals).

He worked in the oil sector and other national companies, and cooperated with many national agencies, from 1984 until now. He is also a member and chairman of several technical and cultural committees, and has teaching and training experience in national higher education institutions, postgraduate studies and local training centers.

Member of the Writers and Writers Association since 1997, and a founding member of several civil society associations and institutions.